RC406 * Metal Ranger Compass * K27
RC406 * Metal Ranger Compass *
Rothco’s Liquid Filled Military Compass is a great tool for the outdoors or survival situations!
Rothco’s Military Marching Compass is liquid filled, the fluid will protect against excessive swing or wobble, improving readability while reducing wear.
The compass also features a slide ruler, magnifying glass and an aluminum cast case.
This compass is well made and very easy to use.
A gyrocompass is similar to a gyroscope. It is a non-magnetic compass that finds true north by using an (electrically powered) fast-spinning wheel and friction forces in order to exploit the rotation of the Earth.
Gyrocompasses are widely used on ships. They have two main advantages over magnetic compasses:
- they find true north, i.e., the direction of Earth‘s rotational axis, as opposed to magnetic north,
- they are not affected by ferromagnetic metal (including iron, steel, cobalt, nickel, and various alloys) in a ship’s hull. (No compass is affected by nonferromagnetic metal, although a magnetic compass will be affected by any kind of wires with electric current passing through them.)
Large ships typically rely on a gyrocompass, using the magnetic compass only as a backup. Increasingly, electronic fluxgate compasses are used on smaller vessels. However, magnetic compasses are still widely in use as they can be small, use simple reliable technology, are comparatively cheap, are often easier to use than GPS, require no energy supply, and unlike GPS, are not affected by objects, e.g. trees, that can block the reception of electronic signals.
http://rothco.comThe compass is available in 3 colors.